Effective Wednesday June 21st, the Building Department will no longer be using City Squared for contractors and home owners to submit permit applications. Please contact our office for permit instructions. 203-924-1555 ext. 1517
It is the responsibility of this Department to ensure public safety, health and welfare as they are affected by building construction. Compliance to State Building Codes is enforced to secure safety to life and property. The Building Department is responsible for plan review, issuing permits, completing inspections and issuing Certificates of Occupancy for all phases of building construction. Other responsibilities include demolition of buildings and housing code inspections.
Building in Shelton
The Building Department of the City of Shelton has prepared this information to aid you in obtaining the permits required for any kind of construction, addition or home improvements. It is our aim to better service all applications, issue permits promptly and, in general, help as much as possible to the completion of your project. We want to service your needs as quickly and efficiently as possible in accordance with all Statutes, Codes and Ordinances that apply. Remember, safety and health are keynotes in any kind of construction. Our prime interest is to assure that you, your customer, or your buyer will have the best finished product possible.
Procedure to Obtain a Building Permit & Sequence of Inspections
This applies to all construction. It includes new homes, renovations/rehabilitation, single/multiple dwellings, garages, solar, swimming pools, sheds, barns, commercial/industrial buildings, signs, demolition, as well as, fences, walls and terraces exceeding six feet in height.
- Site plan approval, plot plans (includes engineer, architect, landscape, etc. drawings for approval), as applicable to project developments, condominiums, etc. – Planning & Zoning Commission and approval of Inland Wetlands
- Apply for zoning compliance (Planning & Zoning Office)
- Apply to Engineering Dept. for street number assignment for all building lots
- Apply for Inland Wetlands compliance
- Apply for Tree Warden compliance
- Copy of contractor’s license & certificate of insurance
- Sewage system permit and approval of plans – Valley Health Dept. or Shelton Sewer Commission approval or Sewer Administrator
- Driveway permit application – Engineering Dept.
- Permits – Issued by Building Official or Assistant – Building, Solar, Generator, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating, A/C, Demolition, Swimming Pools, Signs, Wood Stove
- Construction begins – Inspections required:
- Footing (before concrete is poured)
- Foundation or finished masonry (before backfill) damp/waterproofing and footing drains
- Rough inspection including framing (shell, roof, bearing walls, fireplace, etc.), plumbing, heating and electrical
- Insulation
- Final on building – includes grading and soil stability
- Other inspections, as and if required:
- Inland Wetlands
- Fire Services
- Police Services
- Driveway – Engineering
- Well water approval – Valley Health Dept
- Sewage (Sanitary System) – VHD or Sewer Administrator
- Certificate of Zoning compliance
- Final Certificate of Occupancy inspection (CO MUST BE OBTAINED AT THE BUILDING OFFICE)
- Special Calls
- Temporary Electric Service
- Service connection on building
All previous inspections, as listed and as applicable, must be completed and approved before Certificate of Occupancy may be issued.
- Step 1, as applicable, must be completed before any further action may be taken
- Steps, 2, 3, and 4 must be completed before going to step 5
- After Building Permit has been issued, step 6, construction, may start. Other permits required must be applied for and issued before any of the related work may be started
- Inspections, as required and as applicable, will be made as requested, but need not necessarily be in the order listed
Application for Building Permit
City Hall
54 Hill Street – Third Floor
Shelton, CT 06484
(203) 922-1206
Tuesday – Friday 8:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Office Hours:
Tuesday – Friday 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M., 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M., 4:30 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Dept. Head:
Joseph Ballaro, Building Official